
Showing posts from May, 2019

Truth of babies teething and diarrhoea

Truth of babies teething and diarrhoea  Teething is the important stage of child's life.. Many parents believe that teething causes diarrhoea in child and they began to follow certain myths of tying a black thread with stones in it believing it helps in easy teething process.  But the fact is that diarrhoea is not at all related with the teething until and unless your baby tries to put an object or fingers which are highly contagious in the mouth in an attempt to reduce the discomfort caused by hardening of gums. However some doctors believe that increased salivation during teething causes diarrhoea. When the baby is teething they may drool ( flow of saliva outside the mouth) more than usual, much of the spit gets swallowed which upsets your babies tiny tummy which in turn causes diarrhoea. Keep in mind that increased diarrhoea can be a sign of serious infections and watery stools may cause dehydration to little one's look forward to your pediatrician in such con

What makes you laugh?

What makes you laugh? Laughter is contagious  of all the emotional experiences. Laughter not only occurs because of happy feeling it may result from any obvious joke or it can be triggered by embarrassment and other social discomfort. Laughter may facilitate in bonding across large group. Laughter releases the chemical which helps in building the social bond. Laughter along with speech helps us to bond quickly and easily with large group. Laughter is triggered by many sensations and thought which in turn activates many parts of the body. When we laugh our facial expressions changes and we makes sound. The big laughter involves arms, legs and trunk and also affect the breathing pattern. Laughter and brain. How our brain judge when to laugh and when not to? The answer for this question is our brain responds for humor ( humor is the unexpected thing or surprises) the brain respond to the sudden unexpected things which are good as laughter or smile. If you la